Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a good candidate?

If you suffer from low back pain caused by degenerative disc disease (DDD) or discogenic pain, VIA Disc NP could be an option – not only for relieving the pain but reversing the damage and repairing the discs from the inside. This cutting-edge therapy is a non-surgical treatment option for patients suffering from chronic lower back pain resulting from DDD.


One of the most common causes of chronic low back pain is degeneration of the lumbar intervertebral discs, better known as degenerative disc disease or DDD.  Previously, there was no way to reverse degenerative discs.  Once the discs were damaged, the condition was permanent, or at least it was!  Age-related wear and tear of discs cause a loss of water from within the disc or dehydration, and degeneration.  Not all degenerated discs are immediately painful, however, once a disc starts to degenerate, it can develop cracks and tears which will make it susceptible to injury and pain later on.

Indications include:

– Degenerative Disc Disease
– Discogenic Pain


Percutaneous delivery of allograft through a 22G spinal needle

Outpatient procedure with short recovery time

Anatomy preserving, minimally invasive option performed with fluoroscopic guidance

What to Expect with VIA Disc NP?

The nucleus pulposus particulate is mixed together with saline for delivery into your intervertebral disc.
Intravenous antibiotics may be given before the VIA Disc NP Procedure to reduce the risk of infection.


The VIA Disc NP procedure is performed under strict sterile conditions.

The VIA Disc NP procedure can be performed under local anesthesia or moderate sedation may be recommended by your physician. A procedure involving your pain-generating intervertebral disc can be painful.

During the procedure, your physician will use fluoroscopy (a radiographic image continues to take pictures during the procedure so that the physician can see where the needle is going).

Your physician will insert a needle through the skin and muscle into the center of the intervertebral disc. VIA Disc NP will slowly be delivered into the center of the intervertebral disc.


You may experience pain and soreness after the procedure, which is normal. This pain may be due to increased pressure within your intervertebral disc. It is important to follow your physician’s instructions after the procedure. You may be instructed to limit physical or strenuous activity for 72 hours post-procedure.

Your physician may prescribe certain pain medications (e.g., analgesics, steroid dose pack, muscle relaxants). An ice pack may be given to place over the injection site in the event of post-injection site discomfort. Your physician may suggest a back brace or recommend physical therapy to make you feel more comfortable following your procedure.

A follow-up appointment will typically be scheduled two to four weeks after the procedure to monitor your pain and comfort. Additional follow-up appointments may be scheduled at the discretion of your physician to assess your condition.
