Hip Injection 
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Frequently Asked Questions
Hip injections are very effective in treating pain from inflammation. Most often the medications used in hip injections are anesthetics and steroids, which reduce pain and inflammation. You may also feel relief from the release of fluid buildup or pressure that sometimes occurs during the procedure. A hip injection is also useful for your doctor to determine if your pain is originating from within the hip.
During the procedure, you will lie on your side, with the affected hip facing upwards. Once the area has been sanitized, your doctor injects a needle containing medications into your hip joint. Following the procedure, you will rest in the recovery area while being monitored.
Recovery time is relatively short due to the nature of the procedure. You may feel slight discomfort at the injection site. Be sure to follow discharge instructions, and contact your doctor if discomfort continues or new symptoms arise.
You will most likely feel relief within a week to 10 days, and it can last for a few months. As your pain subsides, your doctor may advise you to engage in moderate exercise. While a hip injection is not a permanent solution, it will make your pain more manageable as your doctor develops a long-term treatment plan. If you do not feel relief from the injection, then your doctor will perform additional diagnostic tests to determine the source of your hip pain.