Understanding the Causes of Lower Back Pain and When To Seek Treatment in Aurora

Posted by MD Pain on August 24, 2023

Lower back pain is one of the most common types of chronic pain among adults in the U.S., as it can occur from various causes. Your lower back pain may feel hard to pin down. But understanding some of the common causes of lower back pain, then seeking a diagnosis from a professional can help you pinpoint the cause.

Read on to learn about the most common causes and when to seek lower back pain treatment in Aurora, CO.

Causes of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can develop for numerous reasons, and some people are more prone to it than others. The most common risk factors for developing lower back pain include:

  • Age: The discs that make up the spinal cord naturally wear down with age, often resulting in pain.
  • Overall health: People who live a sedentary lifestyle, drink, or smoke frequently may be more prone to back problems caused by weak abdominal muscles that don’t adequately support the spine. Meanwhile, exercising regularly can help prevent back pain and strengthen the muscles in the back.
  • Injury: Lifting heavy objects improperly or injuring the back muscles in another way can lead to acute pain.
  • Weight: Obesity can put significant pressure on the spinal discs and joints, leading to deterioration and pain.
  • Disease: Conditions like osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, and spondylolisthesis can all cause chronic lower back pain.
  • Occupation: Working labor-intensive jobs that require frequent heavy lifting and bending can increase one’s risk of injuring their lower back muscles and spinal discs.

Your lower back pain could result from a combination of the risk factors above, or there could be an easily identifiable cause, like an injury or condition.

When Should You Seek Treatment for Lower Back Pain?

If your lower back pain recently started, you can try a few at-home remedies before seeing a doctor. Try taking over-the-counter pain medication and see whether the problem subsides on its own. You can also apply heat to the lower back with a heating pad or hot water bottle.

While it may seem counterintuitive, try to stay active while your back pain resolves. Remaining stagnant could cause your back to stiffen and lead to more pain over time.

Generally, if your back pain lasts longer than two weeks, you may require a more significant intervention. Your healthcare provider can conduct X-rays and other diagnostic tests to determine the source of your back pain, then create a treatment plan for pain relief.

However, you may seek treatment sooner than two weeks if:

  • Your back pain is severe
  • You have other serious symptoms, like fever, weakness in the arms or legs, or loss of bladder or bowel control
  • You experienced an injury or trauma that caused the back pain
  • You have risk factors for cancer or infection

If you’re unsure whether to consult a doctor about your back pain, getting it checked out won’t exacerbate anything.

Schedule Lower Back Pain Treatment for Aurora, CO, Today

Some people with lower back pain avoid or delay treatment because they worry their provider won’t be able to find the source of their back pain. But the only way to know whether treatment can help is to schedule an appointment.

Our board-certified physicians will assess your lower back pain and create a treatment plan that adequately manages your pain and targets the source of your discomfort. Start managing your back pain today by scheduling a consultation with MD Pain.

Call our new patient line to get started with lower back pain treatment in Aurora, CO.
